Deactivate or Unlock a User Account
The User List displays each user account's current status, which indicates whether the user account is currently active or not. Only active accounts can be used to sign in to the Uptempo instance.
As an administrator, you can change a user account's status to:
Manually deactivate a user account if it is no longer in use.
Unlock a user account if it has become deactivated (locked) automatically because the user has entered their password incorrectly too many times.
The possible values that can appear in the Status column are:
Enabled: The user account is active, and can be used to sign in to Uptempo.
For newly created accounts, this status is set automatically.
Administrators can also manually set a user account to this status from another status.
Deactivated: The user account has been deactivated, and can't be used to sign in to Uptempo.
This status should be set on accounts that are no longer required, i.e. if the user has left the organization.
Temp. Locked: The user account has been temporarily locked, and can't be used to sign in to Uptempo until it has been unlocked.
This status is set automatically by the system when a user has entered invalid login credentials too many times.
You can change the user status for any user account directly from the User List.
To change a user's status (e.g. to deactivate or unlock the account), follow these steps:
Open the User List and find the user account for which you want to change the status.
Click the current value shown under the Status column for the user.
A list of available statuses is displayed.
Click on the new status you want to set for the user in the list:
If the account is set to Temp. Locked and you want to unlock it: Select Enabled.
If the account is set to Enabled and you want to deactivate it: Select Deactivated.
The change is saved automatically, and takes effect immediately.
You have successfully changed the status on a user account.
When you change a user's status, the following restrictions apply:
You can't manually change a user account from the Pending status to any other status.
You can't manually set the Locked status on a user account (to "lock" an account, use the Deactivated status instead).